Welcome to The Shiddiky Laboratory, where a dedicated and talented team of researchers is pioneering advancements in nanotechnology, biosensing, diagnostics, and translational research. Our team includes Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Research Assistants, and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students (PhD, MS, and Honours). Each member of the team is deeply engaged in groundbreaking projects, contributing to our mission of developing innovative solutions for real-world challenges in healthcare, agriculture, and biosecurity.
Our HDR students benefit from a cross-disciplinary research environment, with the majority being co-supervised by experts from diverse fields, enabling them to approach complex scientific questions from multiple perspectives. This collaborative model not only enhances the depth and quality of their research but also equips them with the skills and insights needed to excel in their fields.
The Shiddiky Laboratory is committed to fostering an inclusive and inspiring environment where researchers can thrive and push the boundaries of scientific discovery.